So, we recently moved. Yeah. I didn’t mention it at all on this blog because well, it was hella short notice and honestly speaking, we’re still moving. We moved from our wonderful neighborhood of Highland Park to nearby neighboring Pasadena. Not a bad shake!
I can’t get into details about said move other than the new owners of our rent-controlled apartment had a vision that didn’t include the current residents. While it does sound like we were forced out, we did leave on our own recognizance and found a super cute and cozy place in really record-timing.
It’s been a while since we’ve moved. The last time we moved, we stayed in the same apartment building and just moved from one apartment/floor to another. We were at our old place for almost 10 years so we have a lot of great memories there. However, with living in in a rent-controlled building, there were many issues that came to the surface just because of how old the building is.
The moment of, ‘We really need to look for a better place to live’ came when the building had no hot water for a weekend. It was the last straw in a long list of problems. But you know, when you ask God for something, He’ll always deliver in perfect timing.
We’re not the type to move constantly and with a toddler and a cat, it’s best that we don’t. We finally moved in Sushi. She’s still getting used to the new house. She hid inside our closet for three days but now she’s starting to explore the house more. She also lived with us since she was 2 months old so the old apartment is really all she ever knew. I’m hesitant to say she likes the place but she knows it’s her new home. I think she has to figure out her new nooks and hideaway spots.

The good news about the new place is I’m allowed to garden so I started to plant some bell peppers and green onions over the weekend. I’m going to plant some flowers up front. My current orange tree is pathetic as it only has four oranges and the orange tree across the street of me has so many to make several cartons of orange juice . It’s okay. My little orange tree will be the best EVA.

I did pick up something cute and quirky from Target this past weekend:
You have to use your Rick Ross voice for this one:
So yeah, we’re almost done and I feel we will be at the end of this week. And we’ll start to get things settled in and figure out where things go. I’m very excited about this new chapter in our lives. Maks kept saying our new home is really a starter home for when we’ll finally buy our permanent home and I think he’s right. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring and have you all along for the ride in our new adventure! 🙂
Congrats on finding a place quickly! Keep us updated on the garden. I’m so jealous of people that have any semblance of a yard.
I definitely will! I’ve always wanted a garden so I’m super excited to have a small one.
I grew strawberries on a porch a few years back, but don’t even have that any more. Apartment life 🙁